Thanksgiving Outreach

nomination form
NDCC is excited to bless individuals/families in our community with Thanksgiving meals again this year. We are aiming to give away over 100 meals with turkeys and all the sides. Anyone can be nominated to receive this blessing! Sure, it may be someone who has been without employment or it might be someone who could simply use the encouragement. Perhaps you would be able to sponsor a complete meal for $30!
To sponsor a meal:
Visit our website and click on the Thanksgiving Outreach giving icon on the front page. You will be taken to our Online Giving page. Select Thanksgiving on the drop-down menu.
You can give in person at church on any Sunday. If you're going to do so at church, please mark a Giving Envelope "Thanksgiving Outreach" and place it in the Offering or give it to Pastor Shelly Maye.
You can text give to 747.223.NDCC (6233.) Enter the amount first, followed by Keyword Thanksgiving.
All monies are due no later than Sunday, November 12th. You may give $30 for one meal, $60 for two, $120 for four, etc. The event will take place Sunday, November 19th following the service noon to 2:30pm. Nominations are on a first-come first serve basis. The amount of meals we can provide will run parallel to the amount of financial sponsorships. Eligible Nominees will be notified that they have been nominated and given details concerning picking up their Thanksgiving meal at the church on November 19th.
Church address:
12156 Grant Circle, Thornton, CO 80241
For more info: 303.289.1547
Fill out the information below to submit the name of a family or individual to bless in our community that we can contact and invite to receive a complete Thanksgiving meal they can prepare at home. Nomination deadline is Sunday, November 12th, although nominations that come in sooner are appreciated. After completing all the information below, please give the form to Outreach coordinator Pastor Shelly Maye.
There are a limited number of Thanksgiving meals. Thank you very much for being involved in this special blessing for people in our community! May God richly bless you!